Brian Horsfield about shale gas and hydraulic fracturing

April 2013, Interview

Brian Horsfield about SHIP

August 2012, Video (4:27) 

GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is partner of the Science Year 2012 “Project Earth: Our Future”.


SHIP is at anchor



In August 2016 the Shale Gas Information Platform SHIP was switched from an active to a passive site, and is now called the „Shale Gas Information Platform ARCHIVE“. Click here to go to the Shale Gas Information Platform ARCHIVE.  The[...]read more

German parliament passed bill on hydraulic fracturing



Hydraulic fracturing for shale gas and shale oil banned After years of debate, the German parliament has passed regulations about hydraulic fracturing. The law bans hydraulic fracturing for the production of shale gas as well as shale oil. In[...]read more

acatech: study on hydraulic fracturing now available in English



acatech - the German National Academy of Science and Engineering published a position paper about applications, economic perspectives and environmental risks of hydraulic fracturing in June 2015. This study, originally published in German, is now[...]read more

Reducing pollution of shale gas production: Strategies and institutional responses



A recent article in the journal "Energy Policy" identifies five critical points of shale gas production and suggests mitigation strategies.  Reducing pollution at five critical points of shale gas production: Strategies and[...]read more

Unconventional hydrocarbons addressed in French language



The French Centre for Unconventional Hydrocarbons (CHNC) has published  dossiers on technical and environmental issues concerning shale gas and shale oil (weblink). They cover nine main topics including hydraulic fracturing, the[...]read more

How to get a handle on potential risks posed by fracking fluids


Water Protection, Operations

The latest skirmishes over hydraulic fracturing in Florida and California are, at their core, about water. Many fracking-related spills have been recorded, and opponents say that such incidents pose unacceptable threats to water supplies. But the[...]read more

Traffic-related environmental impacts of hydraulic-fracturing operations



Fracking operations require large numbers of vehicles, particularly in the first months of operation during well pad construction and drilling. Throughout a well's lifetime, vehicles may be needed for transport of fracking fluids, construction[...]read more

Fugitive emissions of methane from abandoned, decommissioned oil and gas wells


Water Protection, Climate Impact

This recently published study (weblink) considered the fugitive emissions of methane from former oil and gas exploration and production wells drilled to exploit conventional hydrocarbon reservoirs onshore in the UK. This is important since[...]read more

Shale gas in Germany: large potential and controllable risks


Water Protection

Update 28 January 2016: press release in English. The German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) published a comprehensive study (in German) on 18 January 2016 that suggests large potential for shale gas[...]read more

Hydraulic Fracturing water management: Review of risk assessment techniques


Water Protection

The objective of this paper is to review different risk assessment techniques applicable to onshore unconventional oil and gas production to determine the risks to water quantity and quality associated with hydraulic fracturing and produced water[...]read more

Michigan University report to aid informed decision making on future Hydraulic Fracturing



This executive summary (weblink) is part of the Hydraulic Fracturing in Michigan Integrated Assessment (IA) which has been underway since 2012. The guiding question of the IA is: “What are the best environmental, economic, social, and[...]read more

Experts recommend modeling to avoid earthquakes resulting from fracking


Induced Seismicity

Using computer analysis prior to drilling could limit seismic events as a result of hydraulic fracturing, according to new research published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking”, is used to break the[...]read more

Conference report: Unconventional hydrocarbons - the Polish experience in the European dimension



“Please, do it. This is a very good direction” – with these words Professor Jerzy Buzek encouraged Polish geologists in Brussels to continue shale gas investigation and exploration efforts in Poland.  The conference "The[...]read more

UK baseline study on anthropogenic earthquakes


Induced Seismicity

ReFINE (Researching Fracking in Europe) – an independent research consortium focusing on the issue of shale gas and oil exploitation using fracking methods – has published a research paper titled "Anthropogenic earthquakes in the UK: A national[...]read more

Shale gas research programs kick off (and continue)



2015 has seen the launch of several research projects on shale gas worldwide. Among them are large projects like the establishment of two subsurface research centres in the UK ("Energy Security and Innovation Observing System for the[...]read more

ReFINE study finds policymakers´ technical approach fails to address public concerns on fracking



ReFINE (Researching Fracking in Europe) – an independent research consortium focusing on the issue of shale gas and oil exploitation using fracking methods – has published a research paper on public perceptions of fracking in the UK. Key findings[...]read more

Shale gas exploration in Poland declared safe: English translation


Water Protection, Induced Seismicity, Climate Impact, Operations

The report “The environment and shale gas exploration Results of studies on the soil-water environment, ambient air, acoustic, climate, process fluids and wastes" which was commissioned by the Polish Ministry of Environment and published in[...]read more

Earthquakes, wastewater disposal, and hydraulic fracturing


Induced Seismicity

The central United States has undergone a dramatic increase in seismicity over the past few years. Many new studies indicate that the majority of the increase in seismicity is induced by the deep disposal of fluids produced by oil and gas production[...]read more

acatech: scientific evidence does not justify general ban of hydraulic fracturing


Legislation, Generic, Water Protection

acatech - the German National Academy of Science and Engineering has published a position paper (in German) about applications, economic perspectives and environmental risks of hydraulic fracturing. The academy´s project group, led by Rolf[...]read more

EPA Study of Fracking Finds 'No Widespread, Systemic' Pollution


Water Protection

On 4th June the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its long-awaited "Draft Assessment on the Potential Impacts to Drinking Water Resources from Hydraulic Fracturing Activities". The draft study comes in[...]read more

Displaying 1 to 20 of 175

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Shale Gas Information Platform