Draft best practice guide on induced seismicity in geothermal operations published


Sejsmiczność indukowana

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and U.S. Department of Energy commissioned "Protocol for Addressing Induced Seismicity Associated with Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)". It summarizes the results of three international workshops on the topic and offers a detailed description of concrete steps that should be taken into consideration for minimizing the risk of induced seismicity.

In geothermal systems that do not produce an economically viable flow rate, permeability may be enhanced by hydraulic fracturing, high-rate water injection and/or chemical stimulation. The applied stimulation techniques are similar to hydraulic fracturing operations in hydrocarbon reservoirs and therefore the steps proposed in the protocol bear valuable information for evaluating and managing the effects of induced seismicity in shale gas developments.

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Draft best practice guide on induced seismicity in geothermal operations published