American oil and natural gas industry association issues unconventional production community engagement standard


Operations, Generic

On July 9, 2014, the American Petroleum Institute (API) published a first-of-its-kind industry standard for community engagement in areas of the country where horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have opened new energy development opportunities. The guideline provides a detailed list of steps that oil and natural companies can take to help local leaders and residents prepare for energy exploration, minimize interruption to the community, and manage resources. It includes recommendations for how to conduct public meetings on safety, work with local educational institutions to discuss training for new job opportunities, develop relationships with mineral owners, and ensure that oil and gas production is done in way that complements community goals. “Our standard will provide a roadmap for oil and natural gas operators seeking to build lasting, successful relationships with local residents wherever energy development takes place. It incorporates best practices and proven models that have been developed by industry participants over more than 65 years of safe, responsible hydraulic fracturing” said API Director of Standards David Miller. “Each community is different, and the standards are not designed to be exhaustive, but rather to serve as a reference for developing a plan-of-action that matches the needs and concerns of a broad range of stakeholders—from rural farmers to indigenous tribes,” Miller said.

The guidelines do not address common local concerns about the practice of horizontal drilling and fracking, such as earthquakes, methane leakage and potential water contamination.

Source: Reproduction of the API and OGJ press release

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American oil and natural gas industry association issues unconventional production community engagement standard