Announcement: GeoShale 2014



The Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute is organizing its second scientific conference dedicated to fine-grained sediments – GeoShale 2014 (24-26 Sep., 2014, Warsaw).

The broad spectrum of applications submitted to date shows a large increase of interest in shale matter. Fine-grained sediments, currently known to the petroleum industry as source and seal rocks, are starting to be recognized as very important reservoir targets in shale gas/oil plays. Their low permeability also has a major impact on waste storage planning, including CO2 and nuclear waste. These applications, and the possibility of using shale in various aspects of industry, contribute towards the development of several branches of science that deal with depositional processes, shale fabric, pore networks, as well as the physical and geomechanical properties of shales.

During GeoShale 2014 we want to focus on the scientific achievements of people from academic and commercial environments. We will pay special attention to ensuring the high scientific level of presentations within the following conference panels:

  • Shale Basin Stratigraphy, Paleo-environment and Paleo-climate
  • Shale Geochemistry, Diagenesis and Reservoir Properties
  • Shale Basin Geophysics and Tectonics
  • Shale Gas Exploration and Production

Each panel has a key-note speaker who wants to share his experience in shale research. We hope that our conference will be a great opportunity to exchange knowledge of a broad spectrum of problems and challenges in relation to shale/mudrocks geology and geophysics.

All of the details can be found at:

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Announcement: GeoShale 2014