German government study on hydraulic fracturing risks


Generic, Water Protection, Legislation

Hydraulic fracturing should not be banned, but its application should be allowed only with strict regulation in place. That is the bottom line of a comprehensive study (in German only) on the water-related environmental risks of hydraulic fracturing in unconventional natural gas exploration and production that was published yesterday by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The study also covers legislative aspects related to the German mining and environmental laws.

The experts emphasize the need for more scientific research on the potential impacts and environmental risks related to hydraulic fracturing operations and propose a step-by-step approach in the development of natural gas from unconventional reservoirs. Fracturing operations for natural gas in drinking water protection areas should not be allowed at all. 

Link to the study and the press release.

Main suggestions:

  • No ban on hydraulic fracturing
  • Thorough investigation of the geological / hydrogeological situation and development of a conceptual model of the deep underground
  • Exemplary exploration of the different types of natural gas deposits accompanied by intense scientific and administrative supervision
  • No drilling and hydraulic fracturing in sensitive regions with unfavorable geological and hydrogeological conditions as well as in drinking water protection areas  
  • Disclosure of constituents in fracturing fluids
  • Environmentally compatible disposal of flowback and production waters
  • Thorough evaluation with respect to environmental effects of the current practice of deep well disposal of waste water
  • Development of monitoring programs for groundwater and surface monitoring
  • Mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment (Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung) for exploration and production of natural gas from unconventional reservoirs.
  • Water law must be provided for in the assessment of and permitting for fracturing operations and deep well disposal of waste water
  • Transfer of environment- and safety-related licensing and monitoring to the portfolio of the German states ministries for the environment.   

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German government study on hydraulic fracturing risks