Newsletter January 2014



Dear Reader,
The SHIP team wishes all our readers a Happy New Year 2014!

Today we would like to inform you about the latest news on SHIP.

In the category "The Debate", SHIP expert Prof. Mike Stephenson of the British Geological Survey (BGS) has published two new articles: 

Gaining public trust: monitoring shale gas

Shale gas activities in Britain

The expert article on legislation in France regarding shale oil and gas has been updated by Boris Martor. The article is only available in English.

France: Evolutions in the legal framework for shale oil and gas

In the section "Climate Impact", a new publication is presented and discussed by Dr. Thorsten Warneke.

Methane emissions are underestimated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

As usual, you can find more interesting “News” on our SHIP homepage.


Your SHIP Team

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Newsletter January 2014