Shale gas research paper collections



Insights into Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation

A collection of research papers on shale gas was published in March 2012 in a special issue "Insights into Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation" in the journal Marine and Petroleum Geology.

This issue aims "to provide, on the one hand, an insight into the “real world” of shale gas exploitation, where factors other than geology may largely dictate exploitation strategies, and, on the other, to present new insights into European shale gas geology and/or the processes potentially active in shale gas formation."

Additionally to research papers on processes related to shale gas generation, manuscripts with a regional geological focus document the diversity of potential shale gas systems and outline some of the exploration activity in Europe, i.e. the UK, Hungary and the Ukraine.

Geoenergy: From Visions to Solutions

The aforementioned research is partly based on previous work which was published in 2010 in a special issue "Geoenergy: From Visions to Solutions".

Covering a broad range of topics like carbon capture and storage (CCS), shale gas, and geothermal research, two articles of this special issue are related to German shales. Type, content and thermal maturity of organic matter, and the lithology and diagenetic history of the inorganic matrix are discussed in terms of gas-in-place and producibility.


Abstracts of the articles in these special issues are accessible for all users via internet, but full articles are available only to subscribers and not open access. Full articles may be bought online or authors may be contacted to request an article.

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Shale gas research paper collections